At Richard’s we’re proud to buy and hire local. Do you have the passion? Put time and care into everything you do? We are looking for individuals who want to work in the manufacturing industry and who want to make a positive impact in the community around them. If you are a Veteran looking for a job-we are Veteran friendly.
To learn more about Richard’s, please click on our social media icons at the bottom of the page or visit our Linkedin and Zip Recruiter pages.
Our application
If you were unable to apply for a position under “Our Openings,” or were instructed to use the documents below, you may apply by filling out one of following forms:
To apply using this method, type into the documents, save as a new file, and email your saved documents to humanresources@richardscajunfoods.com. You may also attach a resume to the email.
To apply using this method, type into the documents as prompted, save as a new file, and email your saved documents to humanresources@richardscajunfoods.com You may also attach a resume to the email if you have not already sent it in.
Job Application -PDF Version
Job Application -Microsoft Word Version


Our Ingredients

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